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Let's understand homeopathy better

  • Gangrene - (Gang-rene)

    The localised death of living cells (from infection or interruption of blood supply)

  • Genetic - (ge-net-ic)

    Occurring amongst members of a family - usually by heredity; related to genes

  • Genetic - (Gen-ne-tic)

    Occurring among members of a family, usually by heredity

  • Gestational - (Ges-ta-tional)

    Of or relating to gestation

  • Ginkgo biloba - (gink-go bi-lo-ba)

    A Chinese tree which exists almost exclusively in cultivatio,n especially as an ornamental tree; one of the popular traditional Chinese medicinal herbs

  • Glaucoma - (Glau-co-ma)

    An eye disease that damages the optic nerve and impairs vision

  • Glycaemic - (Gly-cae-mic)

    Relating to the effect of different foods on blood sugar levels

  • Goitre - (goi-ter)

    An abnormally enlarged thyroid gland