Female Pattern Baldness - FAQ

Is it possible for me to re-grow my hair?

Yes. Female-pattern baldness is a condition which causes militarisation (shrinking) of the hair follicle. This condition can, however, be reversed to some extent. This depends on certain factors like your age, the extent of hair loss and underlying causes. Our doctors will carry out a thorough evaluation of your condition, and then guide you towards the right combination of treatment as well as the extent to which you can re-grow your hair.

There is a strong family history of baldness in my family. Can it be prevented in my case?

Yes. Even though female-pattern baldness is a hereditary phenomenon, you can certainly be helped. The sooner you start with the treatment, the better are your chances of recovery. An integrated approach to the treatment as well as choosing the right combination of treatment for hereditary hair loss will certainly be of help.

I am 28 years old and I'm losing hair rapidly. How can it be stopped?

Hair loss has become a common phenomenon among women. The plan of treatment would be to identify the cause of your hair loss - whether it is polycystic ovarian syndrome, anaemia, increased or decreased thyroid levels, hormonal disturbances or some hereditary factors. Once we evaluate your case and examine your hair, we will suggest the treatment option that is best suited for you.

I have noticed excessive hair fall after changing my place of stay. Can hair loss be linked to the water?

Yes. A lot of people complain of hair fall after relocating their place of stay. However, this might not be the only reason for your hair loss. A video-microscopic test to examine your hair, along with the detailed analysis, will show us the exact cause or a combination of causes for your hair loss. We will then treat you accordingly and try to arrest the hair fall.

I have noticed hair fall after a lot of stress. Is hair fall related to stress?

Yes. Stress is known to increase hair loss. There, indeed, are links between female-pattern baldness and stress. While you may work your way through relaxation techniques such as yoga and meditation to control your stress level, homeopathic medicines can alter the reaction of the hair follicle to your stress, thereby preventing it from falling.

I am 50 years old, and I have noticed the thinning of my hair. How can it be stopped?

It is common for women around the age of their menopause to lose hair, or notice hair thinning. The hormonal changes at the time of menopause are responsible for this phenomenon. With an effective combination of homeopathic treatment, your hair loss/hair thinning can be effectively treated.

I have noticed a lot of hair fall after pregnancy. Can you help me?

Certainly. Noticing increased hair fall after pregnancy is a very common phenomenon. The sudden drop in the female hormone (oestrogen) causes this excessive hair loss. This can be treated through homeopathy.


Myths and facts

  1. Parlour treatments and shampoos can treat hair loss. 
    This is a myth. Hair loss is a medical condition that is caused by some underlying conditions such as thyroid disorders, anaemia, polycystic ovary syndrome, hormonal imbalances, etc. A parlour treatment or hair product will only be superficial, and it will certainly not treat your hair loss. Hair loss can only be treated by scientifically diagnosing the underlying medical conditions and treating them accordingly.
  2. Oiling the hair makes it grow thicker and longer.
    This is a myth. Applying hair oil is a traditional and useful Indian practice, but it does not cause the hair to grow longer and thicker at all. Hair oil does not play a role in hair growth. However, oil can condition the hair and scalp, thereby making it smoother.
  3. Rubbing the fingernails of one hand against the other controls hair loss and helps with the re-growth of hair.
    There is no scientific evidence to back this belief. The best recourse for hair loss is to consult a trichologist, who will diagnose the cause of your problem and provide you with the best possible solution.
  4. Brushing your hair 100 times a day makes it grow faster.
    Definitely not. Brushing only helps to spread natural oils over the complete hair strand. Excessive brushing may only add to your hair problems, thus damaging the hair due to excess friction.
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